Friday, October 24, 2008

News: Mandelson outlines vision for UK enterprise


Regional Development Agencies (RDAs) are best placed to "lead and help to develop innovative thinking and the solutions business need" according to Business Secretary Peter Mandelson as he addressed the Northern Regeneration and Renewal Summit in Manchester. Peter Mandelson said: "For me, the role of Regional Development Agencies will be crucial in this process. Led by business, working in partnership with Local Authorities, universities and others, they are the key economic co-ordination body in each region. Not just for the North, but for the country as a whole. "The mandate is clear: to ensure that every hardworking business, in every region of the country has the necessary advice and support to help them not just to survive but also to succeed in the difficult times ahead." The government also launched 'Solutions for Business - funded by government', a national package of publicly funded business support products. The simplification of business support has lead to 30 advice, loan and grant products and services that make up the new portfolio. Accessed by Business Link, and in place by March 2009, they range from grants for business investment, help with accessing international markets, training advice and funding through Train to Gain, enterpise coaching, intensive start-up support, assistance for innovation and manufacturing, and coaching for high growth companies.
Business Link website


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