Friday, January 16, 2009

News: TWI to help technicians gain higher education qualifications


TWI together with the Open University has created a scheme for the development of latent talent within the UK's technician workforce to tackle the shortage of qualified engineers. TWI explain that many engineering technicians show an aptitude and ability beyond the requirements of the shop floor, but their lack of formal qualification inhibits career progress. Those that do make their way from bottom to top of an organisation make formidable employees because of their wide-ranging understanding of the working of the company. TWI is aiming to enhance this career path. Welding engineering courses taught at TWI have been assessed by the Open University (OU) for national Credit Accumulated Transfer Scheme (CATS) points. These courses start from a level designed for the practical person, and success in the examinations gives the candidate points towards an OU degree. Furthermore, the OU is developing Foundation Degrees in engineering, one specifically designed around the TWI courses that will make the steps to higher qualification more manageable. TWI Technology Centre (Yorkshire) is located at the Advanced Manufacturing Park in Rotherham where they focus on the key technologies of fibre laser processing, friction stir welding, laser direct metal deposition and cold spraying.
TWI Yorkshire website
TWI Training website
AMP website


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