Thursday, February 19, 2009

News: Rotherham Credit Crunch Roadshows


Partners from across Rotherham have come together to organise a number of special Credit Crunch roadshows. Business Link South Yorkshire, Rotherham Chamber of Commerce and Rotherham Investment and Development Office (RiDO) will be on hand to offer advice to local businesses. Cllr Roger Stone, Council Leader, urged people who need help to attend the roadshows. He added: "This authority has led the way in trying to address the problems of the current economic situation and the roadshows are latest method of trying to raise awareness among the public and businesses of the advice and support. "There is a lot of help out there but people just need to know where to find it and these roadshows are geared to doing just that - with representatives from not only this authority but also the government agencies and the local voluntary sector." The first of five roadshows will take place at Rotherham Central Library on February 25.
RMBC Credit Crunch website
Roadshow poster


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