News: New appointments at Business & Education South Yorkshire
Pippa Proctor has joined as employability relationship manager. Pippa will be responsible for engaging with businesses in the hospitality sector across Sheffield to provide impartial help and support to employers to recruit, retain and train all staff. She will provide help and advice and refer to specialist services able to assist and support with their business needs.
Janice Richardson joins as project co-ordinator for the new b&e work-wise programme, driven by local engineering and manufacturing companies and aimed at encouraging and supporting young people to access job opportunities. Janice will work alongside local businesses and schools to develop this collaborative and innovative approach.
Also new to the team are Robert Gamble and Kirsty Doran who take up roles as employment engagement officers for b&e's work experience team. Robert and Kirsty will be dedicated to sourcing suitable work placements that match the skills and aspirations of South Yorkshire's young people.
Jackie Freeborn, chief executive of Business & Education South Yorkshire, said: "This is a very exciting time for our organisation, as we continue to expand to enhance our services to meet the needs of this region's employers. We are now in an even better position to offer the very best quality services, which are tailored to benefit South Yorkshire young people, individuals and businesses."
B&e is the lead organisation in the South Yorkshire region, which is responsible for creating links between employers and education. B&e inspires people to achieve the best they possibly can, by raising aspirations and positively shaping values and their perceptions of the world of work. B&e uses employer influence to help people, particularly young people, understand, experience and prepare for the world of work.
The organisation currently works with over 17,000 young people and 8,000 employers per year.
B&E website
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