Friday, August 19, 2011

News: U-Explore see high aspirations as exam results are published


Rotherham education specialist, U-Explore, has published figures showing that aspirations of our young people are still high.

Based in Templeborough, U-Explore specialises in enabling schools to deliver reality based careers information, advice and guidance. Their U-Explore national school product is an innovative software solution which engages with young people through cutting edge media.

As teenagers plan the next steps in their futures, U-Explore has revealed the top jobs that young people are searching for using its interactive careers education information, advice and guidance platform - and the results show there is no sign of our young people's aspirations taking a dive.

Over the last academic year, more than 1,000 different jobs have been searched for by students using U-Explore's flagship education product range. The top result was teacher, with over 3,000 searches, whilst vet was the search result which came in second place.

The most visited industry sector on U-Explore was media, fashion, arts & design, with 21%, followed closely by medicine, law, education & care with 17%. Engineering was the fifth most popular sector.

James Frith, Managing Director of U-Explore, said: "It is great to see such high aspiration shown in what young people in schools and colleges across the country are wanting to find out more about. Media and medicine are the two most prominent sectors and jobs like lawyers, doctors, pilots and police all score highly as careers they want to do.

"Careers information and advice is such an important part of a young person's education and on this evidence, the year-on-year increase in A-Level results is matched equally by the highly ambitious nature of so many young people across the country."

More Rotherham students than ever before have taken their A-Levels this year and the numbers of them gaining passes has risen for the fifth consecutive year.

This year 2,679 students (around 100 more than last year) took academic and vocational A-Level courses and overall 97.7% of students gained passes (a rise of 0.3% on last year).

U-Explore website


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