Wednesday, January 18, 2012

News: Improving sales at Crawshaw


Crawshaw's, the Rotherham-based meat focussed retailer, has seen an improvement in sales in the period since reporting "very disappointing" retail sales in October.

In an report on its interim results for the six months ended 31 July 2011, the board reported "very disappointing" retail sales reflecting difficult trading conditions on the high street.

Richard Rose, chairman at Crawshaw's, said at the time: "We are determined to reverse the decline in sales and to return once again to profitable growth."

Sales for the first half were level at £9.4m but like for like sales were down 4% in the six months to the end of July. Profit after tax was also level at £0.1m.

In the eight weeks since that half year end, like for like sales had declined by 10% but a report on the Christmas trading period states that sales have been improving since then, and that Christmas trading was much improved.

Total sales for the five weeks to January 1 2012 were up 9% on the previous year. Like for like sales at established stores were up 3% and like for like sales at newer stores were up 7% over the same period.

The Crawshaw's board anticipate that full year trading profit and cash generation will be in line with management expectations.

As a result of tough market conditions that had affected sales and profit margins, the Bradmarsh Business Park company announced in June that they would look to broaden the product offer in order to increase sales to existing loyal customers, and to make the retail space work harder. Side dishes, desserts, sauces and more take-out options were all being considered.

Crawshaw's website



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