News: Agreements reached over Riverside Precinct
The proposal to demolish buildings in the town centre will go before Rotherham Council's Cabinet next week.
Rothbiz reported earlier this month on the next phase of works that are seen as a key stage in preparing the Forge Island site for development. A prior notification application has been submitted for the demolition of the existing Riverside Precinct and 8-18 Corporation Street to open up the site to the rest of the town centre.
Plans were approved earlier this year which set out in detail that the site of the former Tesco store is set to be home to an eight screen cinema, a 69 bed hotel, four restaurants and car parking.
The site being cleared is expected to feature a 1,500 sq ft café in an open area called "Millgate Place."
The Council, which holds the freehold of the buildings, had been in negotiations with the single remaining unresolved lease in operation at Riverside Precinct but the authority now says that an agreement is in place.
An update to councillors states that: "Agreements have been reached to acquire all the outstanding interests in Riverside Precinct and it is expected that full vacant possession will be available to allow the works to progress. In the event that vacant possession is delayed the programme of works can be adapted to allow for phasing."
Rotherham Council’s Cabinet Member for Jobs and the Local Economy Cllr Denise Lelliott said: "The opening up of this space will completely transform the landscape of this side of town and I think people will be quite amazed at how different it will look.
"The town centre has been a place for people to come together for hundreds of years but town centres across the country are changing and they can no longer rely solely on retail to bring people into the town. The plan is to have a much bigger focus on leisure, living and entertainment with beautiful open spaces, to support the retail offer.
"We want the town centre to be a place that people will bring their families to socialise, with an attractive, vibrant, diverse and thriving community."
During 2020, works on Forge Island have included the new amphitheatre style seating and public realm improvement works, and the multi-million pound Phase One flood defence and enabling works which are almost complete.
Longer term the town centre vision includes plans to demolish the current pedestrian footbridge with a more welcoming gateway to Forge Island and its leisure facilities with a wider, more attractive pedestrian bridge.
Forge Island website
Images: Google Maps
Rothbiz reported earlier this month on the next phase of works that are seen as a key stage in preparing the Forge Island site for development. A prior notification application has been submitted for the demolition of the existing Riverside Precinct and 8-18 Corporation Street to open up the site to the rest of the town centre.
Plans were approved earlier this year which set out in detail that the site of the former Tesco store is set to be home to an eight screen cinema, a 69 bed hotel, four restaurants and car parking.
The site being cleared is expected to feature a 1,500 sq ft café in an open area called "Millgate Place."
The Council, which holds the freehold of the buildings, had been in negotiations with the single remaining unresolved lease in operation at Riverside Precinct but the authority now says that an agreement is in place.
An update to councillors states that: "Agreements have been reached to acquire all the outstanding interests in Riverside Precinct and it is expected that full vacant possession will be available to allow the works to progress. In the event that vacant possession is delayed the programme of works can be adapted to allow for phasing."
Rotherham Council’s Cabinet Member for Jobs and the Local Economy Cllr Denise Lelliott said: "The opening up of this space will completely transform the landscape of this side of town and I think people will be quite amazed at how different it will look.
"The town centre has been a place for people to come together for hundreds of years but town centres across the country are changing and they can no longer rely solely on retail to bring people into the town. The plan is to have a much bigger focus on leisure, living and entertainment with beautiful open spaces, to support the retail offer.
"We want the town centre to be a place that people will bring their families to socialise, with an attractive, vibrant, diverse and thriving community."
During 2020, works on Forge Island have included the new amphitheatre style seating and public realm improvement works, and the multi-million pound Phase One flood defence and enabling works which are almost complete.
Longer term the town centre vision includes plans to demolish the current pedestrian footbridge with a more welcoming gateway to Forge Island and its leisure facilities with a wider, more attractive pedestrian bridge.
Forge Island website
Images: Google Maps
Wasted space. Surely a block of Riverside apartments would be more appropriate for this site, the town centre is overrun with cafes is another one needed. Also a block of apartments brings in income to council through council tax.As usual hair brain Rotherham Council, gets it wrong.
The later phase includes plans for 50 riverside residential units on land known as the abattoir site behind Market Street.
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