Tuesday, January 26, 2021

News: Further large Rotherham housing developments planned


Further planning applications have been submitted for hundreds of new houses across Rotherham.

Rothbiz reported last month that plans had been submitted by Barratt Homes in Dinnington, Bellway Homes in Swallownest and Avant Homes at Waverley.

Now a number of seperate planning applications have been submitted to Rotherham Council for sites across the borough.

At Kiveton Park, Strata Homes, is hoping to secure planning permission for close to 200 new homes on land at Chapel Way / Stockwell Avenue.

The application site comprises approximately 10.16 hectares of land between Kiveton Community Woodland and the existing housing estate. Currently comprising of arable land with a dense landscaped edge to the south, the site was put forward as residential use in the approved Local Development Plan.

The local plan had the site capable of some 268 homes but the Strata application is for 196 - a mix of detached, semi-detached and terraced units. It includes provision for affordable units, totalling 49 units and 147 open market units.

Pegasus, consultants for the housebuilder, state in the plans: "The scheme seeks to bring forward a viable scheme on a longstanding residential allocation. It is considered that the scheme will achieve the viable implementation of housing in Kiveton and will be a positive contribution to the Council’s housing delivery targets."

Strata is also involved with progressing plans for new houses at Blue Man's Way in Catcliffe. In partnership with Strata, Great Places Housing is intending to access grant funding from Homes England to enable the 100% provision of affordable housing on the site.

Close to the Parkway and Morrison's, using the area for housing is contentious and a 2016 application for 64 houses was refused but later approved at appeal in February 2017. Nearby land to the south of the Site, adjacent to Morrison’s, has planning permission for 85 dwellings which is being delivered by Barratts as The Glassworks development.

The latest plans are for 76 dwellings, for shared ownership and rent, and will comprise a range of 1, 2, 3 and 4-bedroom units.

Residents of Blue Man's Way continue to register opposition to the plans to use the road as the main access to the new site.

At Dinnington, an outline application has been submitted for 46 houses on land to the rear 166 Swinston Hill Road. The site is near to where Taylor Wimpey secured planning permission for 157 houses last year.

The latest plans, from London-based T&J Wilkinson, are a revision of earlier plans for up to 35 houses.

In the North of the borough, Rothbiz understands that a national housebuilder has begun developing plans for a large number of houses at Pontefract Road / Barnsley Road.

Images: Google Maps


Anonymous,  January 26, 2021 at 1:07 PM  

Not needed, just development to keep construction industry working. Covids going nowhere, mass unemployment around corner, no one will be buying new homes, the housing market will totally collapse pretty soon, especially when it sinks in that there's no vaccine for new varients. Its here forever, who the hell needs new houses!

Anonymous,  January 26, 2021 at 4:57 PM  

I bet you are fun at a party....

Anonymous,  January 26, 2021 at 6:08 PM  

Yes, I would go further the banking system allowed to collapse to bring in a digital currency, the government will protect your money if you convert to it but along with that will be a social contract that will ultimately have control over your ability to live independent and free of the state
I think the furlough payments are laying the groundwork for a universal payment all will receive as the new technology takes away millions of jobs in an ever-increasing world population people who work will still get paid on top.
You can say you are a Luddite but look outside the MSN to what the world economic forum are saying about covid and how it will be used, and then the mother of all climate change control.

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