Tuesday, January 4, 2022

News: Rotherham micro pub plans turned down


Operators have been refused planning permission for a micro pub at a popular Rotherham retail village.

Rothbiz reported in August on plans at Deer Park Farm, a family run business based at Thrybergh that has evolved into a destination now offering bespoke furniture, antiques and a farm shop.

The application involved rearranging the current buildings in order to create a retail unit in a current storage building to be occupied by an antiques emporium. A separate building would then see the three current retail units changed into one drinking establishment and one retail unit (a flower studio). A third building containing the tea rooms is set to remain unchanged.

Work to create the Deer Park Tap was completed last year.

An application to vary the premises licence for the property was approved by Rotherham Council's Licensing Sub-Committee in September. It enables the sale of alcohol (for consumption on and off the premises) between 10am and 8:30pm Monday to Saturday and 11am and 8:30pm on Sundays.

However, the connected planning application, relating to the use of the buildings, has now been refused.

The decision was made without going before the planning board and officers concluded: "The Council considers that the proposed public house and associated outside seating area (use class Sui Generis) would be in conflict with the residential properties on Arran Hill and Church View by introducing a use which would lead to unacceptable levels of noise nuisance and general disturbance to local residents during the daytime and evening in this residential location, and as such the proposal is considered to be contrary to ... [the] Local Plan."

Hannah Kent from the council's Environmental Health department, added: "I note that we have received complaints of noise, odour and rats being seen on the site in relation to the current usage, and there are numerous objections from neighbours concerned with a loss of amenity in relation to noise, odour, light and the location being so close with a direct line of site into their homes. I concur with their concerns and recognise that the proposal has the potential to significantly impact the amenity of the nearby residents."

A noise assessment submitted by the applicants concluded that the "noise associated with the development is considered to be negligible" due in part to the nearby road noise but Environmental Health disagreed, adding that numerous residents had already made complaints of noise from patrons and that "a raised human voice is clearly discernible in comparison to vehicle noise and as such is more intrusive."

Deer Park Retail Village website

Images: Deer Park Farm / Facebook


Anonymous,  February 2, 2022 at 3:36 AM  

And yet still continue to post lies on social media stating the refusal of planning is a rumour!!! They should have never opened with out all permissions in place. When will they stop it with the lies to customers and trading illegally.

Anonymous,  February 2, 2022 at 5:40 PM  

Months and months of lies and a blatant attempt to ruin 1 person's life instead of stating that "numerous" complaints were raised and instead labelled one person complaining. Also removed comments providing information regarding the rejected planning permission on a post where they claimed the rejection was a rumour. You can't silence everyone. What a cabbage!

Anonymous,  February 26, 2022 at 4:46 PM  

Why is this business still allowed to trade when planning permission has been refused?

Anonymous,  March 17, 2022 at 4:26 PM  

Deer park Tap have not got or ever had planning permission to operate so they need to stop telling lies.
The owners are the ones that are responsible for people losing their jobs and the Tap been closed , if they had gonna about it the right way and gained all the correct permissions etc they wouldn’t have been in this position

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