Thursday, May 4, 2023

News: Flats plan for fire damaged Rotherham pub


Plans have been submitted for a new mixed use development in Rotherham town centre that would replaced the former Rhinoceros pub that has been wrecked by fire.

Rothbiz reported last year that plans to enable the Bridgegate pub to expand were approved just days after the building suffered a fire attended by several fire crews.

Now new proposals have been outlined by Essex-based Cape Designs Ltd which show how the site could be transformed.

The application shows 22 flats and two retail units surrounding an internal courtyard and would involve the demolition of the whole of the existing building.

The Rhinoceros pub was one of 16 pubs put up for sale by J D Wetherspoons in 2019. Known locally as "Rhinos," the pub operated independently from Wetherspoon but was closed during the COVID-19 pandemic.

Plans explain that refurbishment works were underway with the intention for the rear wing of the building to be converted to residential apartments "but two subsequent fires caused considerable damage to the existing building and structure. Given this damage, an outline application route was decided on to establish what could be acceptable on the site."

Planning documents add that the fire was caused by trespassers.

Planners are being asked to approve outline plans for two retail units facing Bridgegate of 800 sq ft and 1,000 sq ft. Access would be between the two retail units into a courtyard area, which is envisaged "to be a combination of accessible pathways, tree and flower bed planting and occasional benches."

Adding another storey is in the proposals, with the plans explaining: "Given how low this building sits as existing compared to its two neighbours, we believe that there is a certain scope to raise the height of the building, and its scale, allowing for the extra floor level to be built.

"Much of the existing additional more central bult up areas will be removed and replaced with a planted courtyard which will give an much improved outlook from the proposed apartment adding much needed green infrastructure to the area.

“We envisage the form of the building to reflect the existing three-storey scale of the building but project a more modern approach within the courtyard with a mixture of Juliet balconies, dormer windows and glazed stair compartments.”

Further details are set to be included in a later reserved matters application.

Adjacent to the site, plans were approved in 2021 to convert empty retail premises into six flats. The former Walmsley furniture store is Grade II listed having been built in the mid 18th century as a townhouse.

Images: Cape Designs


Anonymous,  May 4, 2023 at 10:27 AM  

I can sense a rant in the offing involving cannabis, undesirables,Callais beaches, property prices, criminals...

Anonymous,  May 4, 2023 at 11:49 AM mean ,truths and realities 😁

Anonymous,  May 4, 2023 at 1:09 PM  

I think I'll stay away from Rotherham Town Centre, I'm sure if I stood still for long enough someone would set me on fire :-)

Anonymous,  May 4, 2023 at 2:29 PM  

I am happy to confess that they are not my truths.

Anonymous,  May 4, 2023 at 3:32 PM  

I don't think this is the worst idea for this site. However, because I tend to think it's a good idea, I'm in no doubt that RMBC will think it's a bad idea and reject it.

Interesting that the story refers to three stories, but the graphics clearly show four? My only reservation is whether it will fit into the area. For a flat development, it looks like a bit of thought has gone into the design as well - compared the 1960s throwbacks developed on Wellgate and Westgate by the powers that be.

I just hope that any flats built will offer decent living accommodation for the poor folk that happen to have the misfortune to live in the town centre.

Anonymous,  May 4, 2023 at 4:55 PM  

Who the hell wants to live in a town that’s been dead for years

Anonymous,  May 4, 2023 at 5:14 PM  

It's a shame they can't move the Minster somewhere nicer, beautiful church.

Anonymous,  May 4, 2023 at 9:42 PM  

Where do you want it moved to-Sheffield?

Anonymous,  May 4, 2023 at 9:42 PM  


Anonymous,  May 5, 2023 at 6:10 AM  

The boat people labour will give it to em.

Anonymous,  May 5, 2023 at 9:01 AM  

Don’t forget the person with the high rise fetish, they’ll be here soon no doubt.

Anonymous,  May 5, 2023 at 9:02 AM  

Do you stick your fingers in your ears and close your eyes then?

Anonymous,  May 5, 2023 at 4:56 PM  

He said somewhere nice🤣

Anonymous,  May 5, 2023 at 4:58 PM  

Dont worry it will end up being a couple of bungalows,can't possibly go over 3 storey,this is Rotherham,and can't have view of minsters shaded....from outer-space😜

Anonymous,  May 5, 2023 at 5:36 PM  

Translation into English or something resembling it please

Anonymous,  May 7, 2023 at 10:15 AM  

I am sure it will be a splendid building and more than match the esoteric magnificence of past council architectural gems such as Crinoline House, Norfolk House and Alcatraz Library.

Anonymous,  May 8, 2023 at 9:47 AM  

There was a story circulating at the time that the architect commissioned to design the buildings you mention enrolled for a City & Guilds bricklaying course at Rockingham College after failing an interview for tea boy at the Advertiser.

Anonymous,  May 8, 2023 at 1:30 PM  

That may very well be true, but by the time he came to build Crinoline House he had developed an impressive portfolio of previous designs including a garden shed on Far Lane.

Anonymous,  May 8, 2023 at 2:27 PM  

That cannot possibly be true because the only person ever to fail an Advertiser job interview was Jeremy Clarkson, who the interviewing sub editor at the time described as "somewhat thicker than a 5 inch plank".

Anonymous,  May 8, 2023 at 10:06 PM  

To be perfectly fair to Jeremy, he failed the Advertiser interview on only two minor points. The first was that under the extreme pressure placed upon him by the occasion, he was unable to recall his own name. And the second reason he was not offered the post was because in the opinion of the interview panel, he was by a country mile, the ugliest young man they had ever seen.

Anonymous,  May 9, 2023 at 4:47 PM  

Since posting derogatory comments about Jeremy Clarkson and the Rotherham Advertiser I am certain that my phone has been bugged and my mail tampered with. If the Advertiser runs a story about me wishing to become a Tampax I will know who let the cat out of the bag. I am now becoming paranoid with worry. This morning I found someone rooting through my dustbin but was relieved to see that it was only Hugh Grant looking for tab ends. I have approached Harry to ask him if he wants to combine forces and sue the Advertiser for invasion of privacy. I think the Advertiser got wind of this and that is why they have sold out. I no longer feel safe posting under the cover of anonymity so will revert to my real name, Kim Philby.

Anonymous,  May 9, 2023 at 6:18 PM  

Thanks for sharing that with us Kim. I for one do not think you are paranoid. Several weeks ago I wrote to the editor of the Advertiser and very politely and in the spirit of friendly critic informed him that I would not wipe my backside on his weekly rag. Since then strange things have been happening with my land line. The phone rings quite late at night and when I answer it they hang up. But if my wife answers she is on for ages. What do you make of that?

Anonymous,  May 10, 2023 at 4:44 PM  

Probably Avon mate

Anonymous,  May 11, 2023 at 9:46 AM  

Are you the same Kim Philby who was on the Intermediate Espionage course at Morthyng College?

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