Tuesday, May 23, 2023

News: Flats plan for prominent Rotherham town centre property


A commercial building in the heart of Rotherham town centre could be converted into a mixed use property with a number of flats created in the upper floors.

At 5 - 9 All Saints Square, the applicant seeks to use the first and second floor to provide two flats as "permitted development." The ground floor, fronting onto the square and Rotherham Minster, would remain as a commercial use and is not part of the application proposals.

The property is known by many as the former Scrivens Opticians, before their move to new premises on nearby Effingham Street. It is now a convenience store.

Luton-based VV Realty Ltd is the applicant and they are hoping for approval given that the ground floor of the building is occupied as a retail shop, but the two upper floors of the building have been vacant since July 2020.

New permitted development rights were introduced in 2021 to allow the change of use from any use, or mix of uses, from the Commercial, Business and Service use class (Class E) to residential use (Class C3), partly in an effort to help high streets and town centres.

Plans drawn up by Volta Design, say that the proposed flats are for single person use only and the council's Environmental Health officer has commented that it "appears from the plans that the premises may potentially be two Houses in Multiple Occupation (HMO) rather than flats. However, this would need to be confirmed."

Environmental Health has raised issues over the "potential for disturbance to the future occupiers of the proposed residential flats/HMO as a result of noise from the busy town centre, activities in the ground floor retail premises and fixed plant in the area."

All Saints Square is regularly used for outdoor events and gatherings such as the Christmas Lights switch on.

A condition of approval is being recommended that asks for a noise assessment to be carried out before providing details of any necessary mitigation to protect the amenity of the occupants of the new residences.

Images: Google Maps


Anonymous,  May 23, 2023 at 2:12 PM  

Multiple occupancy?Well we know what sort are going to move in these.Only in Rotherham,pretty sure any other town wouldn't have this sort of development,slap bang in centre of town , adjacent to arguably Rotherham's best feature,The Minster,yet the powers that be,even want a locality such as this to be housing lowlifes and the usual potential cannabis farms I despair!

Anonymous,  May 23, 2023 at 2:51 PM  

What does a Mr Sabanathan Jeyapragash of Luton, Whoes Ltd company was incorporated in 2022 and yet to have posted any accounts have the financial backing to complete this project, Are is it just another hole to built to house unfortunate people who, by no fault of their own will be a drain of the council resources. But hey they get cheap rent for the national housing contract of G4S

Anonymous,  May 27, 2023 at 11:26 PM  

And some of us may despair at reading your repeated references to cannabis farms and disparaging comments about low lifes

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