Monday, September 25, 2023

News: New parking scheme proposed for Rother Valley Country Park


Sheffield City Council has updated proposals to introduce a parking scheme near Rother Valley Country Park in Rotherham.

The proposal aims to improve access in the area and will look to address the types of parking that occurs near junctions and on footways predominantly because of visitors to the country park.

Operated by Rotherham Council, the park opened in 1983 following the restoration of an opencast mining site. It attracts 650,000 to 750,000 visitors per annum and hosts a number of popular sporting events.

With the park's western boundary bordering Sheffield, the city's local authority is looking to introduce a scheme on Rother Valley Way and Meadow Gate Avenue but has been in receipt of objections during its consultation.

The latest scheme will make changes to the road network, introduce a series of double yellow lines to prevent parking in unsuitable places and provide some improvements for pedestrian and cyclists.

Improvements to Rother Valley Way car park surfacing and visibility are intended to be included to make this more attractive to use and some on-street parking opportunities will be available as alternatives for busy times.

Plans include removing the roundabout junction at Rother Valley Way / Meadowgate Avenue from the network and repurposing this area to provide additional parking close to the park entrance. Other measures include extensive waiting restrictions at locations where parking should be prevented, traffic calming, new signage, and improvements to the visibility and access of the car park.

The cost would be an estimated £357,477.

The report makes clear that parking on street "will not be time limited or charged as part of this proposal. This is to minimise the risk of any displaced parking moving into residential streets and was highlighted in early stages of public consultation."

The 58 space car park is currently free and the report adds that "the management of car parks maintained by the council's Parks and Countryside service are presently under review so this may be subject to change in the future." Any changes would require further consultation.

A report to Sheffield City Council states: "The scheme will formalise the areas where safe on street parking can be accommodated and improve access to the Rother Valley Country Park. This will encourage use of the country park for outdoor activities such as walking and cycling which will improve health and wellbeing.

"The parking scheme will result in a safer more pleasant environment for residents and pedestrians. The proposals have been designed to restrict parking in locations that can cause obstruction or hazards but keep space free in suitable locations for residents or their visitors. It will also improve parking and access to Rother Valley Park for visitors."

Rother Valley Country Park introduced a new parking system inside the park in 2021. Using vehicle registration number plate recognition means that visitors pay for the time in the park at the pay machines or by card at the exit barrier. Fees are £1.00 per hour up to £6.00 for the day.

Images: Google Maps


Anonymous,  September 26, 2023 at 8:40 AM  

Seems the council have found out they are losing money from people not parking in the main car park and will push all the visitors onto Meadow Gate Ave.

Anonymous,  September 27, 2023 at 3:24 PM  

Not sure that I understand the logic of what you are saying here.

Anonymous,  September 29, 2023 at 7:25 AM  

People park in that area because its free, it will just push the problem further onto the housing estate

Anonymous,  September 29, 2023 at 8:02 AM  

Eh? Rother Valley main car park (chargeable) is in the park and run by Rotherham Council, Rother Valley Way car park is the free potholed gravel car park to the west of the park in Sheffield run by Sheffield council.

Anonymous,  September 29, 2023 at 9:32 AM  

The first post is a classic example of posting without reading the message properly.

Anonymous,  October 2, 2023 at 4:09 PM  

Rather like Brexit voters then?

Anonymous,  October 2, 2023 at 4:37 PM  

Or Gullible Travellers as Defoe called them

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