Monday, March 31, 2008

News: End of the road for Business Link South Yorkshire


The long awaited change to business support in South Yorkshire will take effect on 31st March when the local Business Link provider, Business Link South Yorkshire, ceases trading. Outgoing BLSY Managing Director, Julie Readman said: “I am really proud of the contribution made by the Business Link South Yorkshire team over the last seven years. But life moves on, and Yorkshire Forward in responding to future challenges has decided that another organisation is best placed to take this work forward from here. "Helping to make a difference in South Yorkshire has been our collective mission over the last seven years and I hope that the new incumbent can build upon the solid foundations that we have created." Yorkshire Forward awarded the £29m a year contract to Yorkshire and Humber IDB Ltd (Y&H IDB), a private company comprising Exemplas Holdings Ltd and Reed in Partnership.
Business Link website
Y&H IDB website


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