Monday, March 10, 2008

News: Orgreave a possible site for government Eco-town


The Campaign to Protect Rural England has published their thoughts on the possible locations for the government's eco-towns. Their research includes six possible locations in Yorkshire including the redevelopment of the former open-cast colliery at Waverley in Rotherham. Last May, Gordon Brown pledged to build up to 100,000 houses in five eco-towns with each eco-town containing between 5,000-20,000 homes. The Government is expected to announce its preferred list of eco-towns next month and a full planning application is expected from UK Coal for the residential part of the massive Waverley development in April.
CPRE article
Yorkshire Forward article


Anonymous,  March 10, 2008 at 3:57 PM  

Not sure about this one as the masterplan for Waverley includes around 4,000 homes. The government are going for eco-towns of 5,000-20,000. I'm sure UK Coal will include many aspects of sustainable development either way.

Anonymous,  April 3, 2008 at 3:20 PM  

Orgreave has not been chosen by the government. However, Rossington near Doncaster and "somewhere in the Leeds city region" have been chosen.

Sheffield Telegraph article

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