Tuesday, May 20, 2008

News: Rotherham entrepreneur sees business snowball


Matthew Ainsworth has seen his ice sculpture business snowball since he was named last year's Rotherham Young Entrepreneur of the Year. Now the search is on again to find the town's most talented young businessmen and women–with the young entrepreneur awards back for the third year running. Matthew's company Exquisite Ice, which supplies ice sculptures for parties and weddings, has seen order books grow since his October award and is set to move out of the workshop at his parents' home in Brampton-en-le-Morthen into a newly-converted garage in Thurcroft with a 20ft by 20ft walk-in freezer. Matthew said: "Winning the Young Entrepreneur of the Year Award was more than just a cash injection for me. It meant that someone else recognised that my business was good–and it gave me a lot of confidence."When other people agree you've got a good concept, it cements your ideas and it makes you grin inside. It's a great boost for young people who often don't otherwise get the recognition they deserve." The awards are part of the Rotherham Chamber of Commerce Business Awards, and are sponsored by Rotherham Enterprise Network (REN), a partnership including Rotherham Investment and Development Office (RiDO), the chamber, Business Link and other partners. This year the overall winner will receive £1,000, from award sponsors UK Steel Enterprise, with the four category winners taking home £500 each from the other sponsors RiDO, Yorkshire Forward and Rotherham Chamber. Entry forms and further details can be found on RiDO's website.
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