Friday, June 6, 2008

News: Heads above water at Rotherham diving school


The South Yorkshire Times reports on the determination of staff at the Sub Aqua Divers in Wath to come back after suffering severe damage in last year's floods. Floods Recovery Minister, and local MP, John Healey paid tribute to the business after revisiting the site a year after the floods hit the region. The business reopened in January and the dive shop and training centre is now being rebuilt. The company received £2,500 Government funding to help their plight but much of the cost of getting the business back up and running, up to £20,000, was paid for by the couple themselves. Mr Healey told the paper: "I was deeply upset to see the damage caused to Sub Aqua Divers when I came here nearly a year ago. Mike and his wife Jill had worked so hard to build the business up. "It's clear it will be a long haul before business is back to what it was but I am proud of the courage and determination shown by Mike and Jill and other constituents who have faced a really tough time after having to leave their homes and businesses last year."
Sub Aqua Divers website
South Yorkshire Times article


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