Wednesday, July 23, 2008

News: Yorkshire Forward exceed targets


The Yorkshire and Humber Regional Development Agency, Yorkshire Forward, has exceeded its annual targets, with new figures published yesterday showing that its performance has helped boost economic development in Yorkshire and the Humber. Key statistics for the region show that partners have: created 25,456 new jobs in the region, and helped 11,217 people to get a job; created or attracted 1,231 new businesses to the region; helped 29,065 businesses to improve their performance, and assisted 353 businesses to engage in new collaborations with the UK knowledge database; attracted £271.6 million of investment to regenerate deprived areas, 67% of it from the private sector; regenerated 88 hectares of brownfield land; and helped 35,165 people in their skills development, including 333 through the "Skills for Life" strategy and 1,579 supported to achieve a level 2 qualification or its equivalent. Tom Riordan, Chief Executive of Yorkshire Forward comments: "I am delighted that Yorkshire Forward has yet again exceeded its delivery targets for Yorkshire and Humber. "We would not be able to achieve this kind of impact without working closely with partners across the region so this year's positive figures are another endorsement of the close relationship we already enjoy with local authority and business partners in Yorkshire and Humber, and one that we will continue to develop into the future." The annual report makes reference to a number of Rotherham projects including the The Environmental Energy Technology Centre (EETC) on the Advanced Manufacturing Park, the redevelopment of Rotherham Railway Station, the Bus Rapid Transport system, Rotherham Ready and the flood recovery fund. The report on the joint economy of Rotherham and Sheffield is also highlighted.
Yorkshire Forward website
Yorkshire Post article


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