Thursday, July 7, 2011

News: New strategy for Rotherham town centre


An overarching strategy is to be developed that will support and encourage the long-term sustainable regeneration and growth of Rotherham town centre.

The town centre has seen significant progress and investment on projects such as the All Saints' Quarter, the redevelopment of the railway station and the new civic offices. However, a report to the council's Improving Places Select Commission stated that "the recent recession and major cuts in the availability of public sector grant funding mean that the strategic plan, as set out by the 25 year Renaissance programme, has to be revisited and delivered in different way."

The cuts made by the coalition government and their closure of Yorkshire Forward reduced the funding allocated to projects in the town centre by millions of pounds. Funding was stopped for the planned acquisition of properties on the High Street, public realm improvements at Minster Gardens, the development of the Wierside site, and the demolition of Lloyds Bank on Corporation Street.

The report also stated that the winding up of Yorkshire Forward and the transfer of their remaining remit and assets to central government is also making it difficult to get decisions to be made quickly, which will impact on delivery of activity. An example of this is the former Lloyds Bank building which needs to be disposed of if the adjacent Weirside site is to be brought to the market for development.

The Planning and Regeneration team at the council are set to work in conjunction with all partners and stakeholders to produce an overarching strategy for the town centre that will focus on five main themes: Safe & Welcoming Environment; Transport & Accessibility; Retail and Investment; Physical Regeneration / Development; Marketing & Promotion.

Regeneration projects in the town centre continue to take place including the £8m redevelopment of RCAT's town centre campus and the new £17.3m Community Stadium for Rotherham United. The development of public realm at Minster Gardens has taken place using funding from a variety of other sources.

A varied events programme and the Town Centre Vitality Grant Scheme is helping to breathe new life in to the town centre. 14 new retailers have opened with financial support from the grants scheme.

Rotherham Town Centre website


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