Thursday, July 14, 2011

News: VO4HOME working with CO2Sense


Rotherham-based voltage optimisation company VO4HOME has entered into a new venture with not-for-profit business support consultancy CO2Sense.

CO2Sense is an environmental consultancy that helps businesses to cut costs and carbon emissions. They offer businesses in Yorkshire and Humber the chance to trial environmental products and services that can substantially reduce environmental impacts and costs.

Based at Templeborough, VO4HOME's voltage optimisation system is one of the products selected for the trials. This innovative technology can reduce energy use, CO2 and as a result has a direct impact on lowering the end user's electricity bill.

CO2Sense has invested in a number of VO4HOME units and both organisations are jointly working on identifying sites that will derive maximum benefit from an installation. The projects will also be monitored and used as case studies to demonstrate what CO2 and financial savings can be achieved by utilising the technology.

Geoff Clifton, business development manager for VO4HOME, said: "This is an exciting project that will provide tangible cost benefits for those involved in the project, whilst simultaneously lowering their carbon footprint. It’s very much a win-win situation for the customer.

"VO4HOME is a cost effective solution that delivers tangible savings on energy consumption. Not only is payback usually within four to five years, which means that it is a commercially sound investment but it also comes with a five year product guarantee."

A social housing project in Durham has already been identified as a test site, with both companies also looking at other potential test site application opportunities within both Small and Medium Sized Enterprise's (SMEs) and university accommodation.

A recently released report from the Committee on Climate Change (CCC), highlights the fact that the UK is failing to act fast enough to cut greenhouse gas emissions and may have to purchase carbon offsets to meet its 2025 targets.

Geoff discussed how products like VO4HOME could be used immediately: "The CCC's report raises serious questions about the pace of change. Many of the funding streams available to homeowners and businesses often involve complex and costly technologies, perhaps the time has come to incorporate simple, but effective approaches to energy reduction, such as voltage optimisation devices, into the equation. A proven technology that takes some 60 minutes to install, but can reduce electricity bills by £90 - £150 per annum."

VO4HOME website
CO2Sense website



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