Wednesday, August 3, 2011

News: Another New ERA begins in Rotherham


A group of eight new trainee engineers have completed an in depth training programme as part of the "New ERA" apprenticeship programme, developed in South Yorkshire.

Rotherham's Newburgh Engineering and Kostal UK in Barnsley have worked with Brinsworth Training to pioneer a new approach to Apprenticeships, which is designed to create a highly skilled breed of young engineers. The Rotherham training company took matters into its own hands, after the two employers advised that they were finding it extremely difficult to recruit skilled staff of the right calibre.

Vincent Middleton, managing director of Newburgh Engineering, said: "We recognised some time ago how important it was to invest in training our own apprentices to ensure that they have the skills and abilities to enable us to contribute to this region's reputation for precision engineering on an international scale.

"With the New Era programme, Apprentices spend longer with the training provider learning the required skills to make them more effective in their roles, whilst removing the need for day release. The aim is that when they join a company like ours they are already well on the way to being productive and can make a difference from the start, for the benefit of everyone."

The ERA (Employer Ready Apprenticeship)programme is a hybrid of the Advanced Apprenticeship framework, which includes the current Performing Engineering Operations (PEO) (Levels 2 and 3), combined with the Technical Certificate and Key Skills. For this, they attend for a 42 week period at Brinsworth Training in Templeborough.

The programme has already seen 24 young people complete the programme and progress into full time employment and mirrors the previous tradition of engineers spending a year long period in a training school.

Philip Upton, business services manager at Brinsworth Training said: "This programme is modelled on the traditional EITB model that was successful many years ago, but of course we have added a modern slant by including disciplines such as CAD/CAM and CNC Machining.

"More and more employers are looking at this programme as a worthwhile investment in their future workforce and we are seeing some excellent young people progress from the programme into a successful career in engineering."

The training company already have two further ERA groups fully committed to start before the end of the year.

Newburgh Engineering website
Brinsworth Training website

Images: Brinsworth Training


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