News: Council submits ambitious proposals for new town centre housing
A six storey apartment block, back-to-back housing and a redevelopment of a long vacant site are all part of new proposals from Rotherham Council to boost town centre living.
Rothbiz has previously reported on preparations for the first of a potential 2,000 new homes in Rotherham town centre and the authority putting forward land that it owns as "go-early" sites to kickstart housebuilding.
Working with leading architects, Bond Bryan, planning applications have now been submitted for two of the sites - Millfold House on Sheffield Road and the former Henley's garage on Wellgate.
Under the plans for the one acre site with steep topography, Millfold House and other buildings will make way for 53 housing units of various types, sizes and ownership arrangements.
Fronting Westgate, 39 one-bed and two-bed apartments are planned in a six storey block built to a similar height to the telephone exchange opposite.
14 two and three storey back-to-back houses are to sit at the top of the site, allowing extensive views over the Don Valley.
On the long-vacant Henley's Garage site of a former garage and car showroom on Wellgate, planning permission has previously been granted for 180 apartments. The development stalled when the developer was taken over and a 0.65 hectare site is now owned by the Council.
New plans show 54 housing units, again of various types, sizes and ownership arrangements.
Two apartment blocks, sitting back but fronting Wellgate, are designed to be three storeys high in order to sympathetically frame the grade two listed building that sits between them. They will create 34 new apartments, all with off-street parking and cycle storage.
With a new central road, two and three storey houses are proposed on the site alongside Whybourne Terrace and Narrow Twitchell, each with a private rear garden and a semi-private front garden with off street parking.
Bond Bryan states in its plans: "For the client RMBC, we aim to kick start regeneration through the creation of a high quality mixed tenure housing offer for the town centre, unlocking difficult sites."
Last year, Rotherham Council committed £50m over the next three years to build homes and have launched the first at Maltby under the new Rother Living brand.
Rother Living website
Images: RMBC / Bond Bryan
Rothbiz has previously reported on preparations for the first of a potential 2,000 new homes in Rotherham town centre and the authority putting forward land that it owns as "go-early" sites to kickstart housebuilding.
Working with leading architects, Bond Bryan, planning applications have now been submitted for two of the sites - Millfold House on Sheffield Road and the former Henley's garage on Wellgate.
Under the plans for the one acre site with steep topography, Millfold House and other buildings will make way for 53 housing units of various types, sizes and ownership arrangements.
Fronting Westgate, 39 one-bed and two-bed apartments are planned in a six storey block built to a similar height to the telephone exchange opposite.
14 two and three storey back-to-back houses are to sit at the top of the site, allowing extensive views over the Don Valley.
On the long-vacant Henley's Garage site of a former garage and car showroom on Wellgate, planning permission has previously been granted for 180 apartments. The development stalled when the developer was taken over and a 0.65 hectare site is now owned by the Council.
New plans show 54 housing units, again of various types, sizes and ownership arrangements.
Two apartment blocks, sitting back but fronting Wellgate, are designed to be three storeys high in order to sympathetically frame the grade two listed building that sits between them. They will create 34 new apartments, all with off-street parking and cycle storage.
With a new central road, two and three storey houses are proposed on the site alongside Whybourne Terrace and Narrow Twitchell, each with a private rear garden and a semi-private front garden with off street parking.
Bond Bryan states in its plans: "For the client RMBC, we aim to kick start regeneration through the creation of a high quality mixed tenure housing offer for the town centre, unlocking difficult sites."
Last year, Rotherham Council committed £50m over the next three years to build homes and have launched the first at Maltby under the new Rother Living brand.
Rother Living website
Images: RMBC / Bond Bryan
Why waste any valuable and indeed scarce building land with houses, should all be apartment blocks of minumum 6 storeys in a town centre, not a place for town houses,in fact in general this should happen to stop the concreting over of greenfield sites.Very few town/City centres accomodate houses, its always quality high rise apartment blocks.
Totally agree with above comment, the artist impression of the area around forge island/courthouse site (2nd phase) shows houses ! Surely a prime position like this should have a larger number of high quality apartment blocks bringing more people into town centre living .
Agree,as I've always said, RMBC run the town like a small parish a"Toytown"not a major town of over 270000 population they ain't got a clue! 👎
Fab that our council are providing homes for all. We need family homes as well as accomodation for couples or single people. The proposals cover all.
Town centres aren't places for family homes, and regards homes, on continent most people even with kids live in apparent blocks, best way to avoid concreting over our countryside.
Why only build 1 and 2 bed apartments, family homes can be accommodated too. You could have 3 or 4 bed apartments either single floor or duplex.
3 storey townhouses can be an option, but why provide private gardens taking up space.
Someone needs to confirm or deny that the majority of the new housing will be for the asylum seekers...
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