Tuesday, April 25, 2023

News: 450 home Rotherham development recommended for approval


Detailed proposals for the next large phase of residential development at the Waverley regeneration scheme are being recommended for approval by Rotherham Council planners.

After Harworth Group plc secured a residential land parcel sale at its Waverley site to Barratt and David Wilson Homes for £29m, a reserved matters application was submitted for the 28 acre waterside area adjacent to both Highwall Park and the Waverley Lake, benefitting from unique water frontage in an area of the development known as Waverley Waterfront.

The application sets out the development of 456 dwellings - a mix of house types - 1, 2, 3 and 4 bedroom properties which will range from apartments, to terraced, semi-detached and detached dwellings. 149 will be affordable housing which equates to a provision of 33% on site.

Plans show that the proposals for the waterfront area have been revised to provide an increased amount of non-residential uses. The previous block with a cafe use indicatively shown at ground floor has been revised to provide non residential uses over three blocks (with residential above) which could be smaller or larger units depending on demand.

The amended scheme is also considered to "address the important location and function of the promenade adjacent to the Lakeside, which is a prestigious location within the development, with the non-residential uses proposed attracting residents from the wider Waverley community." The promenade is also set to provide a unique waterside pedestrian and cycle only route along the western bank of Waverley Lake.

The site falls within Flood Zone 1 and a Flood Risk Assessment and Surface Water Drainage Strategy were submitted and approved as part of the outline approval.

Responses to the application show local residents of the estate calling for work to begin on the medical facilities and retail development at Olive Lane before more houses are built. Waverley Community Counci are also objecting to the proposals.

The Olive Lane plans are currently being revised. 2021 plans included retail uses, a gym, offices, restaurants and cafes, a supermarket, community space, a bus hub and residential development. Planning approval has been gained for the £2m medical centre and construction is due to starts in autumn this year.

Planning documents show that Harworth has told the council of significant cost price inflation caused by several factors outside of their control including the Covid-19 pandemic and the ongoing war in Ukraine which have resulted in the significant rise in construction costs at Olive Lane.

The report adds: "However, they are in the process of finalising the design for an amended scheme with the intension of being on site before the end of 2023, with completion of construction expected in winter 2024 subject to the approval of planning permission."

Planners conclude that the layout of the new housing site "offers an acceptable balance between achieving an efficient use of the land available" and that "applicants have also specifically designed certain areas to respond to its location especially along the Promenade on the waterfront."

The council's planning board is due to meet to dicuss the plans on April 27.

At Waverley, Harworth is undertaking Yorkshire’s largest brownfield regeneration project – the transformation of the former Orgreave colliery into a new community of up to 3,038 homes.

Images: Harworth Group


Anonymous,  April 26, 2023 at 7:09 PM  

Cue comments about the beaches of Callais, drug users, low lifes and small boats

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