Thursday, July 20, 2023

News: Police have "no confidence" in Pitches events proposal


Environmental health officers and South Yorkshire Police are both recommending that Rotherham Council's licensing board turn down an application that would enable a number of near 10,000 capacity outdoor events on a plot of greenbelt land.

Having been turned down planning permission for housing on the land close to The Stag known as The Pitches, the owners recently applied for an events and alcohol licence to cover the whole site.

If approved, a number of events a year would be allowed related to the performance of plays, exhibition of films, live music, recorded music and the perrformance of dance. The capacity for the events would be no more than 9,999 and would include the sale of alcohol for consumption on the premises, that is the open space. The hours sought in the application are between 12 noon and 10pm every day of the week, closing at 11pm.

The application, from Pocket Sports Bar Limited, which operates in Worksop and Mexborough, is due to be discussed by councillors on the authority's Licensing Sub-Committee next week.

Catherine Lunn, Community Protection & Environmental Health Manager at Rotherham Council, said: "Following a review of the above application I am unable to agree to the granting of this licence due to concerns regarding noise affecting the surrounding residential area. The premise is surrounded on all sides by residential properties and the area is densely populated. Allowing the licence is likely to breach licensing objective in relation prevention of public nuisance."

The representation adds that there is not enough detail in the application - for example regarding controlling noise and other nuisance, traffic management, including vehicular entrance and egress to the site and parking, maintaining blue routes for emergency vehicles and policies around alcohol, drugs, entry, security and staff training.

The report adds: "The application relies on, an as yet unseen, event management plan to provide effective control. It fails to provide site specific information. There is no option for the Responsible Authorities to reject any event management plan submitted. This means that an event could proceed regardless of any concerns any of the Responsible Authorities may have.

"The applicant has employed a professional event management company to make the application on their behalf. It is accepted that the event management plans they have produced for alternative venues are comprehensive. However, should an application be granted, there would be no obligation on the part of the applicant to employ the services of a professional event management company.

"It is therefore critical that the detail of the intended operation of an event is clearly set out in the application. The Licensing Authority would reiterate the recommendation that the application is refused as it fails to demonstrate how the licencing objectives would be promoted should a licence be granted."

South Yorkshire Police is raising an objection based on crime and disorder, public nuisance and public safety.

Tracey Klein, Licensing Assistant at SYP, said: "The applicant has not provided enough evidence as to how the premise will operate and what measures will be put in place to enable to premise to operate within the guidelines set out in the Licensing Act.

"The applicant held a pre-consultation, where South Yorkshire Police provided additional conditions we would require, it was noted that the formal application would still have to be processed and other departments within South Yorkshire Police would be consulted to provide comments, unfortunately other than the conditions we initially requested no other conditions were offered. As a result South Yorkshire Police have no confidence that the premise will run within the guidelines set out in the Licensing act and uphold the four licensing objectives."

The nine acre site on Wickersley Road has previously been used for football, cricket, hockey, tennis and bowls but it has been vacant for over five years. However, the club house remains on the site, complete with alcohol licence.

A number of residents have made representations on the latest licence application. They raise concerns around crime, traffic, noise, safety and the impact on the green space.

Images: Google Maps


Jez July 20, 2023 at 11:33 AM  

"Police have no confidence". Well there's irony for you!

Anonymous,  July 20, 2023 at 7:55 PM  

The application has been withdrawn.

Jez July 21, 2023 at 10:37 AM  

"Crime, traffic, noise, safety" - the same "concerns" that are trotted out by local interests every time anyone tries anything new in this town

Anonymous,  July 21, 2023 at 11:51 AM  

The same 'concerns' that have blighted the bottom end of the of the Flash Lane estate in Bramley for the last few years. But I suppose if that doesn't affect you, you're not going to care.....

Anonymous,  July 21, 2023 at 6:40 PM  

Yeah reason why Rotherham dosnt have a night scene, interference from syp,shame they weren't on it with the groomers!

Anonymous,  July 22, 2023 at 6:19 PM  

Might be too much noise for tge densely packed housing surrounding the site? Maybe they should try something quieter like housing instead...

Anonymous,  July 23, 2023 at 4:20 PM  

Have there been a lot of problems near Flash Lane? My mum lives there and hasn't mentioned anything.

Anonymous,  July 24, 2023 at 11:22 AM  

Maybe leave it as a wildlife haven..what it already is,not only people need homes!

Anonymous,  July 26, 2023 at 8:32 PM  

I think housing is the wrong call on that site.

How about using it for something that could benefit the community as a whole? Something like a football pitch, or some sort of sporting facility? I'm sure if it was managed well, the club house also would be quite a good addition to the local area too.

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