News: Plans to enable more Rotherham riverside housing
Plans have been submitted for a range of enabling works to support further riverside residential development in Rotherham town centre.
A key part of the town centre masterplan places the focus on more leisure and residential uses and a diversifying of the high street from being retail focused.
Rotherham Council is looking ahead having completed housing projects as part of the £30m+ "Trilogy Collection" - Westgate Riverside, Wellgate Place and Millfold Rise.
At Westgate and Sheffield Road, plans have been developed to address the river wall and carry out work to Water Lane that will enable future phases of housing where, as part of the £31.6m Town Deal programme, government funding is being used to continue the development of a Riverside Residential Quarter.
Esh Group, one of the North of England’s largest privately-owned construction businesses, has secured the conctract for the public realm improvement works which include "remedial works to sections of an existing river wall, earthworks, cut and fill, retaining walls, drainage works and public realm improvements."
Esh secured a stage 1 award worth £483,842, with the option to progress to stage 2 works, with an estimated 10 months programme in the region of £5.2m.
However, a recent update from the council confirmed that the project has been delayed after it was "rescoped" in order to remove the proposed new bridge that would have joined to the Guest & Chrimes site.
The application includes a new riverside footpath, new sheet pile to the existing river wall, the repair of the existing river wall, new retaining walls and an upgrade of Water Lane to include the construction of new highway and footpaths.
One issue is how the riverside path will link to Main Street and talks have been underway for a land swap deal for a parcel of land between the Royal Mail sorting office and the river.
The plans, drawn up by ELG Planning Consultants, state: "The current application proposals relate to a range of enabling works that will support the delivery of the future residential development of the site, which will deliver high quality housing that embraces the riverside setting within a highly accessible location relative to the wider town centre.
"The proposals will build upon the recent housing led regeneration that has taken place within this part of the town thereby helping to support the LPA’s [Rotherham Council's] overarching objectives in relation to the delivery of new housing and supporting the vitality and viability of the town centre."
The new riverside walk is expected to improve connectivity and "enhance the role of the River Don as a key asset within the town centre by re-opening this part of the riverside to pedestrians."
Masterplanning in the area has been undertaken by AHR Architects showing up to 200 high quality residential units, to include a mix of apartments and houses. The site to the west of Westgate has an indicative capacity of 143 dwellings.
Rotherham Council has already purchased further properties and plots of land for housing in the area. The authority has acquired all land and properties owned by Satnam Urban Regeneration Ltd which includes the 200 space Westgate Car Park and the two pubs including the derelict Alma Tavern, which has been under the threat of demolition.
Council documents show that £4.1m was set aside to purchase the land and properties.
Rotherham Council is also now responsible for the business rates for other properties in the area which is a hint at ownership. This includes commercial properties closer to Ickles Roundabout such as the former car showroom on Marsh Street.
Images: Google Maps / AHR
A key part of the town centre masterplan places the focus on more leisure and residential uses and a diversifying of the high street from being retail focused.
Rotherham Council is looking ahead having completed housing projects as part of the £30m+ "Trilogy Collection" - Westgate Riverside, Wellgate Place and Millfold Rise.
At Westgate and Sheffield Road, plans have been developed to address the river wall and carry out work to Water Lane that will enable future phases of housing where, as part of the £31.6m Town Deal programme, government funding is being used to continue the development of a Riverside Residential Quarter.
Esh Group, one of the North of England’s largest privately-owned construction businesses, has secured the conctract for the public realm improvement works which include "remedial works to sections of an existing river wall, earthworks, cut and fill, retaining walls, drainage works and public realm improvements."
Esh secured a stage 1 award worth £483,842, with the option to progress to stage 2 works, with an estimated 10 months programme in the region of £5.2m.
However, a recent update from the council confirmed that the project has been delayed after it was "rescoped" in order to remove the proposed new bridge that would have joined to the Guest & Chrimes site.
The application includes a new riverside footpath, new sheet pile to the existing river wall, the repair of the existing river wall, new retaining walls and an upgrade of Water Lane to include the construction of new highway and footpaths.
One issue is how the riverside path will link to Main Street and talks have been underway for a land swap deal for a parcel of land between the Royal Mail sorting office and the river.
The plans, drawn up by ELG Planning Consultants, state: "The current application proposals relate to a range of enabling works that will support the delivery of the future residential development of the site, which will deliver high quality housing that embraces the riverside setting within a highly accessible location relative to the wider town centre.
"The proposals will build upon the recent housing led regeneration that has taken place within this part of the town thereby helping to support the LPA’s [Rotherham Council's] overarching objectives in relation to the delivery of new housing and supporting the vitality and viability of the town centre."
The new riverside walk is expected to improve connectivity and "enhance the role of the River Don as a key asset within the town centre by re-opening this part of the riverside to pedestrians."
Masterplanning in the area has been undertaken by AHR Architects showing up to 200 high quality residential units, to include a mix of apartments and houses. The site to the west of Westgate has an indicative capacity of 143 dwellings.
Rotherham Council has already purchased further properties and plots of land for housing in the area. The authority has acquired all land and properties owned by Satnam Urban Regeneration Ltd which includes the 200 space Westgate Car Park and the two pubs including the derelict Alma Tavern, which has been under the threat of demolition.
Council documents show that £4.1m was set aside to purchase the land and properties.
Rotherham Council is also now responsible for the business rates for other properties in the area which is a hint at ownership. This includes commercial properties closer to Ickles Roundabout such as the former car showroom on Marsh Street.
Images: Google Maps / AHR
Keep y dirty hands off The Cutler's!
Building house's in this locality is such a waste, virtually every town/city fortunate enough to have a river in there centre builds quality riverside apartments... Rotherham builds 2storey house's,the ghettos of the future,look at the Sheffield road development,drove past other evening,about 10 police vehicle's and ambulance there... wonderful..not!
The above was nothing at all to do with the housing development. Police and ambulances were in attendance following a multiple car accident. A driver had been distracted by the sight of a naked Salvation Army drummer marching down Westgate.
And apartments won't become the ghettos of the future? It doesn't matter what the quality of the buildings are, the 'quality' tenants won't want to live in Rotherham town centre.
And anyway, I personally don't want Rotherham to look like virtually every other town or city, I'd rather us do something different and unique.
Captain High Rise strikes again.
I wonder what a 'quality' tenant looks like? Maybe a bit like the middle class couple just up from us who both have high earning jobs and have two cars but allow their dogs to foul the footpath and don't pick it up and bin it. Now That is real quality!
They already have the Cutlers....its just waiting for the mystery fire.
Would a fire not add a little value? It's Westgates version of The County, recently reviewed as smelling like a fusty old pub 😀
Is the car park going to close on westgate if so where are all the workers at royal mail going to park? Or is it the council not wanting cars in the town . That's what destroyed the town years ago, and they are pinning their hopes on another white elephant. Forge island. I for one won't be venturing into Rotherham.
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