Wednesday, June 25, 2008

News: Chinese interest in Martek systems continues


Rotherham company, Martek has secured a significant deal from an up-and-coming shipyard in China. The order for 16 Bulksafe Water Ingress Detection Systems was received from the Mawei shipyard, situated in Fuzhou, Fujian Province China. The shipyard is in a newly targeted region for Martek and it is especially pleasing for the team to have received this order after committing to a demanding and extensive visit to China back in April. Sales co-ordinator Nicola Walker commented on the order:“Mawei is the most established shipyard within the Fuzhou area, building mainly small and medium Bulkers and also Container vessels. Having secured the contract for the water ingress detection systems for all of their vessels currently under construction is a huge step forward for Martek. It’s really great to see that the trip to China is coming to fruition, we are all extremely hopeful that many more orders will be we won in China this year.”
Martek website


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