Monday, November 3, 2008

News: Customers come first as council wins business award


A range of exciting and innovative ways of learning from the people who use their services have earned Rotherham Borough Council’s Neighbourhoods and Adult Services Directorate (NAS) the Customer Service Award at the Rotherham Business Awards. Initiatives which contributed to the success include: Home Truths: "I’m a Customer, Get Me Out Of Here!" - service users are invited to submit hand-written and video diaries about their own experience of using the services; Assessment Direct - a one-stop shop approach to assessing a person’s social care needs; Customer Inspection Service - real customers, trained in inspection and mystery shopping techniques; Learning from Customers Forum and Visioning Days. Cllr Jahangir Akhtar, Cabinet Member for Neighbourhoods, said: "This is a fantastic example of what can be achieved when staff delivering services and the experts - ie the people who use them - work together. In Neighbourhoods and Adult Services we are committed to using a variety of methods to consult with and involve the community, so that as many people as possible have the opportunity to give us their views."


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