Monday, November 2, 2009

News: Rotherham recycler expands thanks to R&D grant


Roy Hatfield, a Rotherham-based recycling company has seen significant growth thanks to a £200,000 research and development grant from Yorkshire Forward.

The Templeborough company specialises in recycling "difficult" waste from the steel, ceramics, power and building industries and wanted to expand, but in a way that didn't eat into its cash flow or incur too much risk.

So it applied for an R&D grant to further develop and modify an innovative plasterboard recovery plant it had established six years earlier.

Roy Hatfield won £200,000 of development funding in April 2006, payable in quarterly instalments of £20,000 over two-and-a-half years.

Managing director of Roy Hatfield Tony Cross said: "Not only have we increased the tonnage of waste we recycle, but in some areas we have also increased the quality - and therefore the value - of the recycled products.

"We are now probably the largest processor of gypsum waste in Europe. Without Yorkshire Forward's involvement we could never have achieved that."

"We have created jobs and wealth, and the R&D grant has stood us in very good stead to withstand the downturn."

Assistant director of business - enterprise and access to finance at Yorkshire Forward, Alex McWhirter said: "Instead of battening down the hatches and switching into survival mode, companies in the region are looking to step up their R&D activity.

"That should help them design and bring to market new products and processes that will help put them on a sound footing when they emerge from the recession, and help to future-proof their organisations."

Roy Hatfield website
Yorkshire Forward website



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