Wednesday, October 3, 2012

News: Putting in the groundwork to deliver 1,000 more jobs at the AMP


Plans have been submitted that could pave the way for a massive expansion of the Advanced Manufacturing Park (AMP) in Rotherham.

As the UK's premier advanced manufacturing technology park, the development at Waverley is already home to companies such as Rolls-Royce, The University of Sheffield, Boeing and Dormer Tools.

Now, Harworth Estates, the property arm of landowners, UK Coal, has drawn up plans for earthworks that will allow further development on an adjacent area of around 21.5 hectares (53 acres).

Harworth Estates is looking to extend and expand the AMP to "build on its success to date and host additional prestige businesses."

In the plans, they estimate that "the employment growth will go from 500 to 1,500 employees following Rolls-Royce's commitment to the site."

As part of the wider regeneration of the Waverley site, which includes a new community of 4,000 houses, 250,000 cubic metres of earth will be moved from the AMP site for use on the Waverley development. 4,000 cubic metres will be used to create "a level development plateau" on the extended AMP.

The earthworks would "significantly assist in preparing the site for future employment uses as part of a proposed extension to the AMP."

The AMP is a key part of the Sheffield City Region's enterprise zone which aims to create a Modern Manufacturing and Technology Growth Area.

There are around 64 hectares (160 acres) of further commercial space available on the AMP and the commercial land adjacent to the Waverley site. Plots within the enterprise zone offer a business rate discount worth up to £275,000 per eligible business over a five year period.

Companies within the zone could also take advantage of enhanced capital allowances (instead of business rate discounts) in the form of up-front tax relief for major capital investments.

One of only six zones in England able to offer enhanced capital allowances, incentives are available on business investments to a total limit of £300m. Additional incentives for businesses locating in the EZ include fast track planning and access to superfast broadband.

Along with the adjoining commercial developments and the AMP, the developers hope that Waverley will create around 7,000 new jobs.

AMP website

Harworth Estates website

Images: Harworth Estates


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