Wednesday, August 9, 2023

News: Wickersley pub and bar policy under review


Rotherham Council is consulting on its policy that affects the number of new or varied alcohol licences being granted in the popular Wickersley area of the borough.

A statement of licensing policy was approved in 2020 as the council is responsible for licensing the sale of alcohol, hot food and various events. It included a Cumulative Impact Policy which detailed that an area of Wickersley village would become a Cumulative Impact Zone.

Policies are introduced if the authority considers that the number of licensed premises within a defined area is at such a level that the granting of further licences would be inconsistent with the promotion of the licensing objectives.

The zone covers Wickersley North, Thurcroft and Wickersley South and was introduced to combat "problems surrounding anti-social behaviour, low-level crime, public nuisance including noise and ambulance related alcohol call outs in a mainly residential area."

The policy is required to be reviewed every three years, and any review must be consulted upon, before being published alongside an appropriate evidence base.

The latest Cumulative Impact Policy consultation will focus on a review of the effectiveness of the current cumulative impact assessment active in Wickersley, and look at whether any other parts of the borough would benefit from a cumulative impact assessment being introduced.

Residents are asked about how licensed premises have affected their quality of life whilst business owners are asked about the positive impact of the zone or if it prevents them trading.

The Council was keen to make clear that the policy does not create a ban on the grant of licenses within Wickersley but an applicant "must be able to demonstrate to the Council and other responsible authorities that granting a new or varied licence will not add to the cumulative impact already being experienced within the area."

There were nineteen premises within Wickersley back in 2020, sixteen located along a 300 metre section of Bawtry Road. It was explained that the area does not have the required infrastructure to deal with a large and sustained night-time economy and residents have cited noise nuisance from premises as a key issue, alongside issues with street scene such as broken glass, fouling and vomiting.

Since the policy's introduction, FIKA Coffee Lounge successfully secured a licence for the sale by retail of alcohol and over the road, The Garrison restaurant secured planning permission in 2021 to operate as a drinking establishment, despite objections.

In 2022, Rothbiz reported that operators of Seasons restaurant, who are also the owners of The Courtyard next door, wanted to vary its premises licence. Earlier this year, The Yard applied for planning permission so that it can continue to open later.

The Council is also consluting on its Gambling Act Policy. The authority is responsible for licensing local gambling places in the borough and sets conditions by which these places must be run. This responsibility provides an opportunity to influence the local gambling industry and minimise where possible, the harm that might be caused by problem gambling.

The current Gambling Act Policy includes a number of clauses that are intended to promote safer gambling practices and protect vulnerable people. This latest consultation will determine whether changes to the policy should be recommended to the Council Cabinet for review and implementation.

RMBC website

Images: Google Maps


Anonymous,  August 9, 2023 at 6:01 PM  

Shame council don't encourage such developments in town centre, Rotherham used to be a great night ,now it's dead ,and by far the worst night time economy in area.Would hope the forge island development could act as a catalyst to further develop Rotherham town centre,and maybe it could become the great night it once was.

Rothguy August 10, 2023 at 6:14 PM  

Let's hope it shall, it's a vicious circle though, people won't invest in rotherham as it's dead, but it's not going to come alive If none invests

Anonymous,  August 11, 2023 at 11:11 AM  

Don't worry, I'm sure all these cycle lanes will see people flooding back to the town centre!

Jez August 12, 2023 at 9:48 AM  

You seem obsessed with cycle lanes. Time you got on your bike.

Anonymous,  August 13, 2023 at 7:38 PM  

You seem obsessed commenting on here, time you got a life

Anonymous,  August 14, 2023 at 10:35 AM  

Grow up, man child!

Anonymous,  September 10, 2023 at 2:02 PM  

Typical controlling council attitude, listening to NIMBYs. Investment in all the UK is poor due to interference from councils hunting for easy votes rather than allowing progress and growth that benefits the longer term and younger population.

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