Thursday, November 23, 2023

News: Plans submitted for a new McDonald’s restaurant in Dinnington


McDonald’s has submitted plans for a new and attractive Drive-Thru restaurant in Dinnington to Rotherham Council.

Rothbiz reported in September that the fast food giant was working on emerging proposals on the site of the former colliery which has been reclaimed and transformed as part of a successful regeneration scheme.

The proposed site at Campbell Way and Nobel Way is surrounded by commercial and industrial units and is close to the Monk's Bridge Farm pub.

The plans, if approved, would deliver a new McDonald’s Drive-Thru restaurant, featuring indoor and outdoor seating, as well as on-site car parking spaces, cycle storage and new high-quality soft and hard landscaping.

The proposals would also benefit the local economy by creating up to 120 new jobs and generating around £60,000 in business rates every year for Rotherham Council to use to fund key local services.

McDonald’s held a community consultation in August, where local residents were encouraged to provide their feedback on the proposals.

The plans will now be considered by Rotherham Council’s Planning Department and residents will be able to provide their feedback on the planning application.

Andrew Crewther, Senior Acquisitions Surveyor at McDonald’s, said: “We are pleased with the positive response we have had from the community regarding our proposals for Dinnington. It is clear from the feedback we have received that a McDonald’s restaurant in this area would be welcomed by the local community.

“We have wanted to expand our offering of amazing value and high-quality food in Dinnington for some time and we are thrilled that our plans to regenerate this vacant, well-situated site have now been submitted.

“As part of our plans, we will submit detailed traffic impact assessments to account for the effects the development may have on local roads. Our operational plans will also explain how we will manage litter around the site, ensuring that we are a considerate neighbour.”

A transport assessment submitted with the plans concludes that "the proposed development would not result in any severe impact on highway capacity or road safety." Businesses nearby have asked for double yellow lines on Campbell Way to improve road safety.

McDonalds has more than 1,400 restaurants across the UK and Ireland, employing over 130,000 people. Opportunities for progression, training and apprenticeships are at the heart of McDonald’s’ offer to the local jobs market.

Images: McDonald's / Lichfields


Anonymous,  July 13, 2024 at 3:50 PM  


Anonymous,  July 18, 2024 at 7:50 AM  

Build it,brings jobs ,somewhere for the younger generation to hang out

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