Tuesday, January 14, 2025

News: Another office to resi conversion planned in Rotherham


Vacant offices inside a prominent building in Rotherham town centre could be converted into flats, under newly submitted plans.

A planning application has been submitted for 16 - 20 College Street in All Saints Square, with Woods End Developments proposing to convert the upper floors into flats.

The plans, drawn up by Ropergate Architecture Ltd, explain that it is for the "proposed conversion of existing office space at Ground (part for access), First and Second Floor Level into 9no. self-contained apartments." Plans show that seven flats would be 1-bed, and two would be 2-bed flats. The existing retail space at ground floor is to be retained.

In September 2024 the Freehold for 16 - 20 College Street went to auction with Allsop as a shop investment with vacant offices above. The property was given a guide price of £215,000 and was sold following the auction.

The building includes vacant former solicitors offices at 2,199 sq ft which benefits from its own entrance onto All Saints Square and two now vacant commercial units on the ground floor at 5,273 and 1,400 sq ft.

16 - 20 College Street is known locally as Davy's Corner from when it was the location of a shop and dining rooms.

Across the town centre, plans have been approved for a similar office to residential conversion close to Rotherham Town Hall.

The plans, from Century Grove Ltd, are for the proposed internal conversion from another solicitor's offices to 16 apartments across three floors at 34 - 46 Moorgate Street.

Following negotiations, the scheme was amended to adapt two apartments into studio flats and to change one 2 bed flat into a 1 bedroom flat.

The council's Envirnomental Health team said regarding the change of use that: "The area is mixed commercial/residential in nature. A site visit has also been undertaken and it was evident that noise levels in this area were relatively low."

The Rotherham town centre masterplan of 2017 confirmed the need for more housing and leisure uses as a way to develop economic vitality, bringing more life, activity and spending back into the town centre and moving away from the traditional retail market.

Images: Google Maps


Anonymous,  January 15, 2025 at 1:37 AM  

They're turning town centre into a ghetto, obvious who will live in them... welcome to the UK ,here's your home,here's you money 🤬

Anonymous,  January 15, 2025 at 8:58 AM  

Nearly a full house on Rothbiz comment bingo. Well done!

Anonymous,  January 15, 2025 at 9:45 AM  

It's a beautiful building. It makes me feel very sad that the ambition of the owners is simply "turn it into flats". But I also understand the reasons. I think it would be a brilliant location for a half-decent restaurant - however, I'm also realistic enough to know that people vote with their feet.

If there is limited footfall, there are limited business opportunities and I think that's one of the reason why there is a continuing mass exodus of businesses from Rotherham Town Centre.

Anonymous,  January 15, 2025 at 10:41 AM  

As more offices workers now work hybrid or remotely there is much less demand for office space, so it makes sense to convert the upper floors to residential. Much better than having the building lay empty and decay. To the person who constantly posts the "ghetto" comment I'd suggest you spend some time reading up on what support asylum seekers are entitled to, rather than believing what you read on social media and right wing publications.

Anonymous,  January 15, 2025 at 1:47 PM  

I think it's more a case of what he will have heard in the pub rather than read. He doesn't strike me as someone who will have mastered the art of reading.

Anonymous,  January 15, 2025 at 2:17 PM  

Frankly I don't give a flying hoot what so called asylum seekers get,all I know is they're here uninvited and are destroying my town and indeed my country,I don't have to read anything to be convinced,I simply open my eyes and see,just like everyone I know dose,and we've had enough,as will soon become obvious,your views are the minority view,time you opened your eyes and accepted the mess were allowing to fester.

Mr me January 15, 2025 at 2:19 PM  

Got to agree,this isn't happening widely in Barnsley,where I frequent quite often,that's why there town centre is thriving and tbh honest still feels like your in Britain!

Mark,  January 15, 2025 at 3:37 PM  

The latest asylum figures released show there were around 800 asylum seekers in the Rotherham area. Given the population is around 270,000 they make up less than 0.3% of the community so I fail to see how they are "destroying my town"

Anonymous,  January 15, 2025 at 9:21 PM  

There are numerous offices in Barnsley that have been converted to flats so no different to Rotherham. The Glassworks has massively improved the town centre, though it ended up costing the council double what they budgeted for, and they had to pay large subsidies to attract businesses.

Anonymous,  January 15, 2025 at 9:22 PM  

It is pointless arguing with people who do not read, do not listen and know no facts before forming opinions. They are guided by fear, suspicion, hate and ignorance. They show their true colours outside Holiday Inn Expresses.

Anonymous,  January 16, 2025 at 10:28 AM  

I think they're confusing asylum seekers with economic migrants.

Anonymous,  January 16, 2025 at 10:29 AM  

Out of interest, Do you believe that any of the fear and suspicion is justified or is it all uncalled for?

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