Tuesday, March 24, 2009

News: Rotherham students to show they made £5 blossom


Enterprising students from across Rotherham are set to show off their skills this week, as the 5th cohort of Rotherham Ready's "Make £5 Blossom" project comes to an end. The event, which will be held at Rockingham Professional Development Centre on Thursday March 26, will see primary school students, teachers and business professionals come together to share their enterprise experiences and to show off their hard work. To date, more than 3,500 pupils have taken part in the project, which sees each school receive a £150 "loan" from their business partner over three months. The schools then use the money to launch a business and turn a profit, dealing with the real-life issues of planning, budgeting, marketing and finance along the way. Rebecca Mollart, Schools Liaison Officer at Rotherham Ready, said: "Since Make £5 Blossom was launched we have seen some truly outstanding enterprise ideas from the town’s students, and I’m certain that this year will be no exception. "We look forward to hearing what the children have been up to and what enterprise skills they have developed by taking part in the project. They never fail to surprise us with their innovative ideas." Local businesses supporting the project in the past include Parkgate Shopping and Corus, and entrepreneurs such as Lucy Teagle at Slapholds.
Rotherham Ready website


Anonymous,  April 2, 2009 at 11:43 AM  

How interesting that on this website we have an identified "partner" of RMBC in this Make £5 Blossom project.

When my friend made an FOI request to RMBC for a list of the schools and their business partners they were denied it under Section 40 Freedom of Information Act.

However upon challenge, RMBC backed down and now he has the info.

The selective info arm of RMBC yet again in action !!!

Best Wishes, BramleyBoy

Tom Austen April 5, 2009 at 8:09 PM  

Thanks for your comment Mr B. Although I'm not sure I understand why it is interesting. I'm also not entirely sure what "your friend's" dealings with RMBC and the Freedom of Information Act has got to do with an open day for one of the most innovative enterprise education programmes in the world.

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