Friday, June 17, 2011

News: Rotherham land targets revised


A framework for attracting jobs, investment and growth for the future of Rotherham will be unveiled to the public next month.

Members of Rotherham Borough Council's Cabinet have given the green light to the next phase of widespread public consultation on the Local Development Framework - the authority's overall vision for the future development of the Borough for the next 15 years.

During July, August and September, the public are to be asked their views on the details of the proposals at numerous drop-in sessions, workshops, seminars and via the website.

The employment land target has been reduced by 30 per cent and it has been considered appropriate to provide for around 230 hectares of employment land for new economic development with up to an additional five hectares of land to accommodate new office floorspace.

As part of the employment land review published last year, existing employment sites were surveyed as well as possible new sites. The outcome was that existing employment sites could provide about 163 hectares of land while a further 69 hectares were identified as potential new sites.

The current shortfall of around 60 hectares will be addressed by the further review of preferred development sites taking into account the consultation response.

Policies will maintain a "brownfield first" approach and phase release of Green Belt land towards the end of plan period.

Cllr. Roger Stone, the Leader of Rotherham Borough Council, said: "Having a framework is a statutory requirement and if we do not develop our own local plan all decisions could be taken away from us by central Government.

"We now have our local targets rather than regional ones to provide land for much-needed new homes and sustainable communities as well as the needs of the modern economy."

RMBC website


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