Wednesday, December 21, 2011

News: South Yorkshire bids for transport funding


South Yorkshire Passenger Transport Executive (SYPTE), with the four South Yorkshire districts of Barnsley, Doncaster, Rotherham and Sheffield, has submitted a bid to Government for £24.6m of funding for sustainable transport schemes that support economic growth and help people get to work.

The bid is for part of the Department for Transport's Local Sustainable Travel Fund. It builds on the £4.9m secured in July for a key component bid for the "sustainable journey to work in South Yorkshire" project.

The bid has three aims: to facilitate and encourage sustainable commuting, to enable employers to reach a wider pool of potential employees, and to help businesses through reducing congestion and encouraging more reliable journey times.

It aims to invest in four main corridors in South Yorkshire including the Don Valley and the Dearne Valley which include key employment sites and communities in Rotherham.

The bid seeks funding for a range of measures including improvements to bus routes, highway improvements, traffic management systems, cycle routes, training programmes, and information provision, as well as trials of electric vehicles, new bus services and other measures to help people get to work and training.

£10.9m is earmarked for projects in the Don Valley and £2m for the Dearne Valley.

Ben Still, director of strategy at SYPTE, said: "We have identified four key corridors in South Yorkshire which would greatly benefit from this level of investment, and between them include around 10,200 businesses and 226,000 jobs. We are confident that this funding would enable a step change in our ability to help people access jobs and help employers reach the right people.

"At the same time, Government wants to see carbon emissions reduced and so our bid facilitates economic growth while helping people to travel in a sustainable way."

SYPTE website


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