Tuesday, March 21, 2023

News: Contracts awarded for Rotherham town centre regen projects


Private sector contractors have been appointed to progress Rotherham Council-led regeneration schemes in Rotherham town centre.

On Corporation Street, where the authority has acquired the former Wilko's retail unit, Bowmer & Kirkland has been appointed to do the demolition work.

The construction and development group is in town having been awarded the £33.9m construction contract via Muse and the council for the nearby Forge Island development – bringing a state-of-the-art cinema, 69 room hotel, and six restaurants providing food from around the world to the town centre.

With work underway, a council report shows that transport bosses have indicated that they will not support the closure of Corporation Street for a prolonged period, meaning the only workable access is from the Forge Island side.

The report also shows that Bowmer & Kirkland has raised concerns over the demolition of 4 Corporation Street "stating that there is a real danger of both delays to the programme and a risk to health and safety if another contractor is brought into the scheme to work in the same space at the same time as the main works are progressing.

"Bowmer & Kirkland have a wealth of experience in completing demolition and refurbishment schemes and would be looking to commence the works as soon as possible to minimise the impact to the HV /substation installation and the works around the entrance. Logistically, they would be able to incorporate the demolition whilst carrying out works on site B [part of the Forge Island site], this would take a large amount of planning in terms of access and egress, however if they had control over both sites this would be manageable."

The site had been earmarked as the potential location for a new theatre.

A figure for the contract has not been disclosed.

Meanwhile, at the delayed pocket park on the High Street, local firm, SME Environmental Services Ltd has been appointed to carry out works including some remaining site clearance, along with blocking up access between the adjacent building, and the installation of vehicle barriers to the adjacent car park. The contract value is £49,880.

The plans for the former Primark store have been scaled back as the council wrestles with delays and rising costs.

Along Sheffield Road and Westgate, where Rotherham Council has purchased further properties and plots of land for housing, Esh Construction Ltd has been awarded a contract for enabling works.

A council report on the £483,842.47 contract states: "As part of Rotherham’s continued diversification of and investment in the town centre this scheme contributes to the delivery of a new residential quarter in the town centre. This contract will facilitate the progression of the Riverside Residential Quarter through the development of an engineering design solution and delivery strategy for a new riverside walk and realignment and infrastructure works to Water Lane."

Images: Google Maps


Anonymous,  March 21, 2023 at 12:33 PM  

If water lane is being developed, surely the current drug/homeless centre in the former Swan public house needs moving and that property possibly reopening as a public house, especially with a bridge to new York stadium planned,would do good business, especially on match days .

Anonymous,  March 21, 2023 at 4:31 PM  

There are two pubs very close already. Can't see another being viable. RUFC only play at home in the league 23 times each season and that is nowhere enough to make a pub pay.

Anonymous,  March 22, 2023 at 7:58 AM  

Got too agree,better a pub than a druggy centre, especially now there's flats and house built on Sheffield road,and as said above with new Bridge over river down bottom of water lane,will get many in on match days,and other events at NYS and who knows the guest and chrimes development might happen eventually.

Anonymous,  March 22, 2023 at 8:56 AM  

I think potential developers and residents would agree but it's not a great look turfing out a Christian charity that supports disadvantaged people. Ironically, the disused pub was taken over from the local authority by the charity in 2002 so I guess the council once owned it. Maybe they still do...

Anonymous,  March 22, 2023 at 11:36 AM  

It's full of drug scum,always shooting up down that lane .Deserve no sympathy and get none of me.

Anonymous,  March 22, 2023 at 10:07 PM  

And they always speak so highly of you...

Anonymous,  March 22, 2023 at 11:44 PM  

Should that not read"and get none FROM me"? "None OF me" sounds as though you are supplying them. But there again, that would explain how you seem to know so much about what's going off down the lane

Anonymous,  March 22, 2023 at 11:50 PM  

There has been concern expressed that loud music from the Cutlers will disturb residents of the new dwellings. Just a tad unfair don't you think when the pub has been there for about 100 years longer than the newcomers

Anonymous,  March 23, 2023 at 7:13 AM  

The use of terms such as "druggies" and "drug scum" say much more about the person using them than the people addicted to substances.

Anonymous,  March 23, 2023 at 8:16 AM  

When they start to demolish the old Wilko building could they not nip over the road and finish off the burnt out buildings? Seems such a shame to wait another 20 years until compulsory purchase is sorted.

Anonymous,  March 23, 2023 at 12:40 PM  

I see bleeding heart liberals out fighting the corner for wonderful drug abusers,you know the ones who mug pensioners and gun crime!

Anonymous,  March 23, 2023 at 1:12 PM  

20 years? So the process is being speeded up?

Anonymous,  March 23, 2023 at 4:30 PM  

Yes, the owner has at last been traced and a committee from Rotherham Council are jetting off to meet him on his Caribbean island

Anonymous,  March 24, 2023 at 6:42 AM  

"Mug pensioners and gun crime"? That doesn't even make sense.

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