News: Details of new 450-home Rotherham development revealed
A detailed planning application for a controversial 450 house development in Rotherham has been submitted by housebuilder, Avant.
Rothbiz reported in 2019 that landowners had worked together to submit an application having previously secured a residential allocation for the nearly 50 acre greenbelt site off Lathe Road / Worry Goose Lane at Whiston through the development of the borough's Local Plan.
The site consists of two arable fields divided by a bank and hedgerow and sits between existing housing and Sitwell golf course.
Applicants, AE Waddington, R Parkes & V Foers, worked with JVH Town Planning and agents, WYG, to secure outline planning approval despite over 300 letters of representation being received when it went before the planning board at Rotherham Council.
Now a reserved matters application from Avant Homes Central (a good indication that they are the new owners of the site), details where the houses will go, the types of houses, and the location of things like attenuation basins and play areas.
The plans show a mix of detached and semi-detached housing types, and 113 of the 450 are considered affordable. The mix of dwellings includes 109 1-bed, 13 2-bed, 156 3-bed, 92 4-bed and 80 5-bed.
Other submitted details relate to matters such as drainage, ecology, landscape, waste management and construction management.
The development will be accessed from the two new junctions formed off Worry Goose Lane.
Conditions attached to the outline approval should help with the multimillion pound improvements needed at the nearby Worrrygoose roundabout. Highway works only need be implemented before the occupation of the 111th dwelling and should include road widening, bus lanes and new crossings.
The plans also show that Avant plans to build out the development in five phases.
A second set of outline plans for over 200 houses on adjoining former greenbelt land also gained approval from Rotherham Council's planning board in 2023.
Avant operates across the Midlands, north of England and Scotland from nine regional operating businesses and is currently developing the nearby Brecks Lane Park scheme.
Avant website
Images: Avant
Rothbiz reported in 2019 that landowners had worked together to submit an application having previously secured a residential allocation for the nearly 50 acre greenbelt site off Lathe Road / Worry Goose Lane at Whiston through the development of the borough's Local Plan.
The site consists of two arable fields divided by a bank and hedgerow and sits between existing housing and Sitwell golf course.
Applicants, AE Waddington, R Parkes & V Foers, worked with JVH Town Planning and agents, WYG, to secure outline planning approval despite over 300 letters of representation being received when it went before the planning board at Rotherham Council.
Now a reserved matters application from Avant Homes Central (a good indication that they are the new owners of the site), details where the houses will go, the types of houses, and the location of things like attenuation basins and play areas.
The plans show a mix of detached and semi-detached housing types, and 113 of the 450 are considered affordable. The mix of dwellings includes 109 1-bed, 13 2-bed, 156 3-bed, 92 4-bed and 80 5-bed.
Other submitted details relate to matters such as drainage, ecology, landscape, waste management and construction management.
The development will be accessed from the two new junctions formed off Worry Goose Lane.
Conditions attached to the outline approval should help with the multimillion pound improvements needed at the nearby Worrrygoose roundabout. Highway works only need be implemented before the occupation of the 111th dwelling and should include road widening, bus lanes and new crossings.
The plans also show that Avant plans to build out the development in five phases.
A second set of outline plans for over 200 houses on adjoining former greenbelt land also gained approval from Rotherham Council's planning board in 2023.
Avant operates across the Midlands, north of England and Scotland from nine regional operating businesses and is currently developing the nearby Brecks Lane Park scheme.
Avant website
Images: Avant
More destruction of environment for profit....###### greed!
Ecology..yeah right.Bet first thing they'll do is rip hedgerows up,instead of incorporating them into development.
Rather have house than a huge warehouse.
Sooner have green fields,hedges,trees and wildlife myself.
But it's not 1940 anymore, is it!
Greenfield is a bit of a stretch most of the year it is mud, and during heavy rain sends overflow and silt into the Brook. What little remains of the hedgerows is around the edge of the farmers fields. Hopefully, the plans including a substantial biodiversity net gain to improve and a better SUDs design than the current direct it to land drains and away to the Brook as quick as possible.
Planning details here
109x 1 bed houses??
Why are we taking up land to build 1 bed houses, would it not be better to build 1 bed apartments?
The only reason why I can think they're building 109 1 bed houses, is so that they can fill up those damned cycle lanes.
It's a crazy development in the wrong place, and one which relies on traffic data which was taken at the height of the pandemic.
If you live nearby you'll know already how difficult it is to get out of Worry Goose Island in the mornings. Goodness knows what an additional 800 cars will do to it during rush hour.
This land should never have been taken out of the green belt in the first place. Sadly this inappropriate development will happen and we've got the local labour party to thank for it.
Remember that on election day.
I can understand we are building houses but I'm seeing many of prices and they are out of reach of most rotherham people.
And such most like rotherham central end up in rental market and open to any old scumbag.
Get them built, more council tax income to pay for the Rotherham Town Centre redevelopment.
Massive waste of land as per usual.If there's going to be 109 one bedroom properties ,why not have them in several blocks of apartments,say 5 /6 storey's,leaving plenty of room for green area's instead of concrete everywhere,council would still get same amount of council tax ,but with less environmental damage.
Don't worry idiots of town will still vote em in.Town run like a circus,voted in by clown's!
But wouldn't apartments bring in the kind of 'anonymous' reprobates that would be a scourge to Rotherham?
That's very hurtful.
Aww diddums. It was meant to be.
That's a bit rich coming from you!
How dare you say it's a bit rich coming from me. I'm appalled at the accusation.
A message to the administrator. I did not post the previous comment. It is unacceptable that this poster not only shields himself in the guise of anonymity but also posts in the name of someone who does not. Action against this lout please.
Question for the blog administrator. Are you going to continue to allow the above person to comment under my user name?
It is a great pity that the blog administrator allows an individual to abuse this site by posting comments under the name of another user. Makes you wonder whether the comments are vetted at all.
I personally prefer the new Jez, can we keep that one instead?
No need to wonder any further. They clearly are not.
Maybe the Admin is hoping you take the hint?
Someone needs to give Jez a cuddle
It is amazing how Avant gets planning permission and favourable land from Rotherham Council... Oh yeah they donate to the Labour Council. and clearly give brown envelope to have green belt land leased to brown field for them to development... Just so you all know... LABC (building control) from Rotherham Council isn't worth the paper it is written on, also these houses only have a max of 5 years warranty, basically the design Avant houses are only expected to stand without a fault for 5 years.
This is will be the same as Lathe Road and Maltby colliery developments Avant are responsible for developing.
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