Wednesday, January 8, 2025

News: Masterplan for Rotherham greenbelt development to be set in stone


Progress has slowed regarding a 2,000 home development on former greenbelt land in Rotherham but an important step in the planning process is set to be signed off this month so that the delivery stage can begin.

A Bassingthorpe Farm Supplementary Planning Document (SPD) has been drafted by planners which provides detailed guidance to developers when preparing planning applications, to help bring forward development of the site in a way that meets the Council’s objectives.

As part of the Local Plan core strategy that was adopted in 2014, the 215 hectare area close to Rotherham town centre was controversially removed from the Green Belt and designated as a Strategic Allocation and the main location for new housing, employment and retail growth.

Around 57 hectares (26%) of the site is under Rotherham Council's ownership and the Council has been leading on the proposals for a number of years, working collaboratively with major landowner, Fitzwilliam (Wentworth) Estates (FWE), on how to bring forward the project.

The allocaion was for around 2,400 new homes, a primary school, a local centre, employment land and commercial opportunities. Work has been carried out to detail just where development platforms, new roads, the school and flood preventing reservoirs could be located.

Masterplanners have taken into account the topography of the fields, the previous mineworking and tipping in the area and the listed buildings.

Regarding employment and mixed uses, a dedicated site to the eastern edge of the allocation area is proposed. Development here could be integrated with the existing employment area at Mangham Road. The masterplan identifies land to the west of Car Hill, to the north of the recycling centre for employment uses.

For housing, the masterplan sets out different densities ranging from 30 to 60 dwellings per hectare within five "character areas" and a council report states that "further technical and design work may demonstrate that a higher number of homes can be achieved than the anticipated 1,950 to 2,500 homes."

The need for infrastructure early in the process is being balanced with the "need to maintain development delivery and viability."

Rotherham Council's cabinet is to discuss the issue so that the planning document can be adopted following a period of public consultation.

The report states: "Despite the significant planning and master planning work completed to date, Bassingthorpe Farm is not progressing to delivery.

"Both landowners have a clearly stated desire to see comprehensive, highquality development at Bassingthorpe Farm and have explored a joint vision and set of objectives to achieve this, recognising that each landowner has different priorities within this shared vision and objectives.

"A number of delivery options for Bassingthorpe Farm have been explored previously with the conclusion that a partnership approach with FWE represents the best way of achieving the desired comprehensive development. To date, however, no agreement between the landowners has been reached on how this partnership arrangement is formalised.

"Both landowners recognise the need to formalise the means of landowner collaboration and bring a delivery partner on board, in some form, to help implement the proposal. FWE has expressed a clear desire to progress and build momentum to delivery, recently approaching the Council to explore what arrangements could be used to progress delivery of the site and enable the landowners to jointly procure a delivery partner."

Fitzwilliam Wentworth Estate website

Images: RMBC / HYAS / Google Maps


Anonymous,  January 8, 2025 at 1:40 PM  

Hopefully this never comes to fruition.

Anonymous,  January 8, 2025 at 4:50 PM  

Let's hope so, environmental vandalism,get brownfield sites used and get multi storey apartment blocks built,pretty sure people coming over on boats will be happy with em,cos realty is that's exactly who these 1.5 million homes are for,going on million a year currently flooding our country,and labour thinks 1.5 million homes is going to solve housing shortages....only way to solve crisis is cut population,not destroy country!

Anonymous,  January 8, 2025 at 7:22 PM  

Try doing a bit of research somewhere other than GB News, X or the Daily Mail to understand why your comment is wrong.

Paul,  January 8, 2025 at 8:50 PM  

I very much doubt any asylum seekers are housed in new build houses, but don't let the facts get in the way of you're distorted narrative.

Jez January 8, 2025 at 11:02 PM  

Wonder why Elon Musk has started to post anonymously?

Anonymous,  January 9, 2025 at 9:15 AM  

Where do you get your research from then? The Morning Star?

Anonymous,  January 9, 2025 at 9:52 AM  

You really are a silly fellow aren't you?

Anonymous,  February 20, 2025 at 7:29 PM  

Living across from the fields I see the deer owls bats etc and it’s a shame that has to suffer over this there is plenty of land on stubbin road Wentworth road that would suit better still leaving routes for wild life moving around I hope the council look very closely to the wild life in the streams woods etc it’s a beautiful area for walking cycling and the last pocket of land that splits the ugliness of the towncentre thats on its knees with lack of money being spent to make it a more popular town

Anonymous,  February 21, 2025 at 7:46 AM  

It’s ridiculous, the traffic is already horrendous round this area, in-fact the whole of Rotherham is. Yet they want to build all those houses so close to the centre and by doing so adding in excess of another 2000 cars to the roads. The roads around here can’t handle the existing traffic as it is but yes go ahead Destroy our beautiful green spaces full of nature and a wild array of wildlife so that you can turn our village into a concrete jungle. All whilst there’s brown sites out there that have been left to rot. RMBC are a disgrace and people will remember this when it’s time to vote.

Anonymous,  February 21, 2025 at 8:31 AM  

Why not use one of the many brown field sites in the town. The old Midland Road bus depot for starters big enough for about 300 houses on there. Plus what about greenspace?

Anonymous,  February 21, 2025 at 10:02 AM  

Labour is in place to impose Agenda2030 and Kalergi plan to destroy farming and Britain. This development is not needed. The comments on here show that Labour employs its own lickspittles to post nonsense. Where are all the "Greens?" We can guess.We need to form a working group to stop this abomination. There are plenty of brownfield sites Howecer,since when dud RMBC serve the council taxpayers?

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