Tuesday, January 6, 2009

News: Upcoming Business Link events in Rotherham


Business Link Yorkshire, the organisation leading the business support role in the region, are running a range of events in Rotherham this month aimed at supporting local enterprises. A number of events are aimed at those considering self employment and starting a business, including a free workshop on business ideas at RiDO's Fusion @ Magna business centre on January 22. The inspiring event will help to generate ideas for new businesses and boost entrepreneurial spirit. For existing businesses, a free workshop on online social networks and reaching out to new customers is taking place at Swinden House on January 20. This event is set to help businesses understand and tap into online social networks such as Myspace, Facebook, Bebo, Twitter and YouTube. Other Rotherham events include "Problem solving and creative thinking" at the Holiday Inn on January 28 and "How your business can save money on utility bills" at Magna on January 29. For more information on up coming events in Rotherham visit the Business Link website.
Business Link events database
Business Link Yorkshire website


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