Monday, January 20, 2025

News: Rotherham office scheme wins approval


A significant regeneration scheme on remaining land at the Waverley development in Rotherham has been granted planning approval as work continues at the retail scheme nearby.

Rothbiz reported last year on plans by Harworth Group plc, one of the UK's leading land and property regeneration companies, for a landmark office development within their Waverley development.

The listed company is transforming the former Orgreave coal mining site into Yorkshire’s largest ever mixed-use development that also includes the iconic Advanced Manufacturing Park (AMP).

Between the AMP and the housing development is an area known as Highfield Commercial. Close to the AMRC Training Centre, it currently includes residential development, a public house, a primary school, the proposed Highwall Park, the under construction new retail led mixed use centre known as Olive Lane, and a hotel which is also under construction - albeit work here has stalled.

Plans include earthworks that cover 3.89ha to create three serviced development platforms with detailed plans submitted for the fourth plot that shows a 18,500 sq ft, two storey office, complete with 72 car parking spaces and a new landscape proposal that would extend the Highwall Park planned nearby.

The application was approved without the need to go before the planning board.

Planners were impressed with the proposals for the offices, stating: "In design terms the proposed two storey office building is considered to be of a high quality design, which provides a key frontage to the road as well as forming a Landmark corner building.

"The materials are also considered to be of a high quality including stone, Corten steel cladding aluminium framed curtain walling. The high quality design would provide a positive contribution to the visual appearance of the locality."

The design of the building has been centred on the site's past and mining heritage, as well as the local steel and development industries.

At Olive Lane, contractors, Lindum, continue work on the new high street within Waverley which would incorporate retail, leisure, office, community uses, outdoor events and pop-up market stall spaces.

Tesco has signed up for the scheme with an opticians and pharmacy also interested in taking space alongside a medical centre and community building.

Waverley website

Images: Harworth / Stantec / Harris Partnership / Lindum


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